is a Michigan 501 (c) (3) organization created to advance public knowledge about the Great Lakes through seagoing education and research projects.
Dedicated to train and educate young people from all across the nation, this program offers opportunities for advanced diver certifications, seamanship, ship handling and engineering and enables these future leaders to participate in underwater research projects directed by professional scientists and focused on the natural, archaeological and geological sciences of the Great Lakes and their importance in the world.
Noble Odyssey is an American Academy of Underwater Sciences member, and offers certification as an AAUS Diver.
Learn more at the Noble Odyssey Foundation website:
Documentary films produced with teacher's guides are available on DVD.
For information about DVD purchase or public lecture and presentation contact:
Luke Clyburn or call 248-666-9359.
Underwater Research and Education
has been our focus for over thirty years... and we're still exploring.